اختبار انجليزي استماع نهائي اول ثانوي ف2

مشاركة الملف مباشرة

اختبار انجليزي استماع نهائي اول ثانوي ف2

                 Listen and then answer

Audio Script

Listen to the conversation ” Bus-Trip “, and then answer the following questions

• Put (   ✔    ) for true  and   (   🗶    ) for false :  (½ mark each)

• The women had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.             […………]

• The bus broke down about 60 miles back.                                                      […………]

•  The bus driver lost control of the bus when he spilt hot chocolate on himself, […………]

•  He hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.                                                            […………]

• Circle the correct alternative:  (½ mark each)

1-The man is from…………..

• small town in Texas          b- New York City     c-  he does not know

2- His parents has a ………..

• farm          b- cows      c-  herd

3- He grew up in…………..

• farming          b- cows      c-  milking cows and herding sheep

4- He is on his ……………….to visit them

• train          b- road      c-  way

• Fill the blanks with the correct words:  (½ mark each)

1- His parents discovered …………………… in their farm

2-The driver got really ……………. when the last passenger made a similar mistake

Listen to the conversation ” Bus-Trip “, and then answer the following questions

1-Put (   ✔    ) for true  and   (   🗶    ) for false :  (½ mark each)

1-The women had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.                    [✔]

2-The bus broke down about 60 miles back.                                                              [🗶]

3- The bus driver lost control of the bus when he spilt hot chocolate on himself,        [✔]

4– he hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.                                                                    [✔]

2)-Circle the correct alternative:  (½ mark each)

1-The man is from…………..

• small town in Texas          b- New York City     c-  he does not know

2- His parents has a ………..

• farm          b- cows      c-  herd

3- He grew up in…………..

• farming          b- cows      c-  milking cows and herding sheep

4- He is on his ……………….to visit them

• train          b- road      c-  way

• Fill the blanks with the correct words:  (½ mark each)

1- His parents discovered …… Oil-…… in their farm

2-The driver got really … upset …. when the last passenger made a similar mistake

Listen to the conversation ” Bus-Trip “, and then answer the following questions

1)-Put (   ✔    ) for true  and   (   🗶    ) for false :  (½ mark each)

1-The bus broke down about 60 miles back.                                                      […………]

2- The bus driver lost control of the bus when he spilt hot chocolate on himself, […………]

3-he hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.                                                                 […………]

4-The women had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.             […………]

2-Circle the correct alternative:  (½ mark each)

1-The man is from…………..

a-small town in Texas       b-  he does not know   c- New York City

2- His parents has a ………..

a- cows        b-farm            c-  herd

3- He grew up in…………..

a-farming          b-  milking cows and herding sheep        c- cows

4- He is on his ……………….to visit them

a-train          b- road      c-  way

3-Fill the blanks with the correct words:  (½ mark each)

1- His parents discovered …………………… in their farm

2-The driver got really ……………. when the last passenger made a similar mistake

Listen to the conversation ” Bus-Trip “, and then answer the following questions

1)-Put (   ✔    ) for true  and   (   🗶    ) for false :  (½ mark each)

1-The bus broke down about 60 miles back.                                                      [🗶 ]

2- The bus driver lost control of the bus when he spilt hot chocolate on himself, [✔ ]

3-he hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.                                                                 [✔ ]

4-The women had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.             [✔…]

2-Circle the correct alternative:  (½ mark each)

1-The man is from…………..

a-small town in Texas       b-  he does not know   c- New York City

2- His parents has a ………..

a- cows        b-farm            c-  herd

3- He grew up in…………..

        a-farming          b-  milking cows and herding sheep        c- cows

4- He is on his ……………….to visit them

a-train          b- road      c-  way

3-Fill the blanks with the correct words:  (½ mark each)

1- His parents discovered … Oil-…… in their farm

2-The driver got really …… upset …. when the last passenger made a similar mistake

Grade: 1st

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Subject: English

Ministry of Education


Date:        /    /2024

Name:  …………………………………………………………..    Class: 1/….

Listen to the child psychologist talk about household dangers for children.then answer the questions:

Choose the correct answer: (2 marks)  1-

1- The children think the pills are ……………

     a-pizza                             b- candy             c-chicken              d-meat

2- Most of the accidents involving young children happen in the ……………

     a- home                         b- street                  c-market                  d-mall

3- The……………. is a common place for children to have accidents.

    a- living room               b- garden                c-bedroom                d- kitchen

4-Don’t let your child believe that he or she can ……………

     a-run                           b- swim              c- fly                       d-jump

2-  Put (T) for true sentences or (F) for false ones: (3 marks)

5- Most of the accidents involving young children happen in the street.      (           )

6- Children are naturally curious.                                  (             )

7- Parents should try to keep anything dangerous out of the reach of young children. (           )

8- It’s very uncommon for children to swallow their parents’ pills.    (           )

9- Electric sockets are another children’s favorite.             (           )

10- Wearing a superhero costume makes anyone a superhero who can fly.   (           )

Best of luck,

Mr. Mohamed Ali

Grade: 1st

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Subject: English

Ministry of Education


Date:        /    /2024


Listen to the child psychologist talk about household dangers for children.then answer the questions:

Choose the correct answer: (2 marks)  1-

1- The children think the pills are ……………

     a-pizza                             b- candy             c-chicken              d-meat

2- Most of the accidents involving young children happen in the ……………

     a- home                         b- street                  c-market                  d-mall

3- The……………. is a common place for children to have accidents.

    a- living room               b- garden                c-bedroom                d- kitchen

4-Don’t let your child believe that he or she can ……………

     a-run                           b- swim              c- fly                       d-jump

2-  Put (T) for true sentences or (F) for false ones: (3 marks)

5- Most of the accidents involving young children happen in the street.      (     F      )

6- Children are naturally curious.                                                      (     T        )

7- Parents should try to keep anything dangerous out of the reach of young children. (     T      )

8- It’s very uncommon for children to swallow their parents’ pills.    (      F     )

9- Electric sockets are another children’s favorite.             (    T       )

10- Wearing a superhero costume makes anyone a superhero who can fly.   (    F     )

Best of luck,

Mr. Mohamed Ali

موقع معلمك التعليمي يُعد وينشر الاختبارات النصفية والامتحانات النهائية، ويساعد في نشر حلول المناهج الدراسية في المملكة العربية السعودية بتنسيقي PDF و Word، مع شروحات للدروس لجميع المراحل التعليمية.