اختبار الفتره انجليزي we can 3 الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1445

مشاركة الملف مباشرة

اختبار الفتره انجليزي we can 3 الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1445

اختبار الفتره انجليزي we can 3 الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1445

1 – What does your dad do ?
A . I am playing. B . He is a doctor.
2 – What does the firefighter do?
A. He puts out fires . B. He flies plane .
3 – What is the time? 10:30
A . It is ten o’clock. B. It is ten thirty.

1. It is seven o’clock.

2. I eat my lunch.

3. He is a pilot.

C. got B. get A. go 1 – I usually ____ up at 5:00 .
C. go B. came A. come 2- yesterday, I ____ home at 1:00 .
C. where B. what A. who 3- ____ does she do ? She is a nurse .

hundred 2- One _______. ( choose ) she – a – teacher – is. ( rearrange )

Good luck T.

اختبار فتري – الصف ……….
الاسم ثلاثي: الفصل / الدرجة / 20
Midterm Exam

1. What is the time ?

A. It is one o’clock.

B. It is three o’clock.

2. What does the firefighter do?

A. He puts out fires .

B. He flies plane .

It is seven o’clock. He is a doctor. I eat my lunch.

thirty thousand hundred 1-one _______ . ( Choose ) – teacher ( rearrange)

C. go B. get A. got 1 – I usually ____ up at 5:00 .
C. Where B. Who A. What 2. ____ does she do ? She is a nurse .

Eat Take a bath Engineer Baker Teacher Clock
Brush Get up Firefighter Nurse Doctor Ring


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